Academic Senate Reports

Academic Senate Reports

Rick Luttmann is our representative to the Academic Senate. Below are notes from AS meetings.

The following item appeared on the agenda proposed by the Executive Committee for today’s meeting:

4. Request for Distinguished Chair Emeritus for Greg Sarris - First Reading - L. Morimoto

A letter was included in the agenda packet explaining the...

An item was added to the agenda from the floor: “ Resolution calling for an Independent Investigation into the Actions of CSU Chancellor Castro as President of CSU Fresno, and for an effective CSU response to prevent future such incidents”.

The Senate spent a good deal...

Chair Morimoto announced that Chair Chats will be held again this semester. However, to accommodate more faculty members’ teaching schedules, they will alternate between Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and be held every other week. The first one will be on Tuesday 8 February from 2 to 3 pm. The subject...

1. The meeting was convened by Senate Chair Lauren Morimoto.

2. The Chair reported that the Academic Freedom Sub-Committee is considering a statement to meet the challenge of both on-campus and off-campus threats to the academic freedom of individual faculty members. The chair of that...

Business: 1. From FSAC: Department Chair Policy - First Reading - R. Whitkus - Presented rational, proposed policy (guiding principles, definition, term of office, duties & responsibilities, recommendation & appointment and removal) and questions – answers. - Questions regarding...

Chair Morimoto reported on the public forum held on Monday 11 October to talk about allegations of mismanagement of IRA (Instructionally Related Activities) funds, which was attended by 84 people. She noted with frustration that obfuscation abounded and little was accomplished. It was agreed to...

Chair Morimoto announced that there would be a public forum on Monday 11 October to talk about allegations of mismanagement of IRA (Instructionally Related Activities) funds. She noted with frustration that articles and editorials in the STAR have not been helpful in shedding light and reducing...

Chair Morimoto made reference to a conflict between the Theatre Arts and Dance Department and the A&H dean over misuse of IRA (Instructionally Related Activities) money. The students voted decades ago to voluntarily tax themselves to support certain activities for which the General Fund...

The President reported:

> Chancellor Castro will visit SSU on Wednesday 29 September.

> New Trustee Julia Lopez will visit on Friday 24 September.

> The BoT will meet (virtually) on Tuesday/Wednesday 14/15 September, and on Tuesday will hear a...

This meeting is the first of the ‘21-‘22 academic year.

The Senate, via the Consent Calendar, ratified the list of retiring (and FERP-completing) faculty who are eligible for Emeritus status, and forwarded the list to the President.

Name ...
