SSU Academic Senate Meeting of 1 September 2022

Report of the Chair of the Faculty – (L. Morimoto)
- New Academic Analyst Meredith (last name?)
- Emeritus Luncheon November 4 th at Prelude
Consent: Faculty Eligible for Emeritus Status F’ 22
- Approved 16 new faculty emeriti

Name                            Department 

Carlton, Ellen 


Hugo, Clifford 

Music Studio 

Elster, Charles 

Early Childhood Studies 

McDonough, Jane 

Curriculum Studies Secondary Education 

Mogannam, Laurice 


Nelson, Catherine 

Political Science 

Oxenhandler, Noelle 


Phillips, Peter 


Pillai, Murali 


Pollack, Lisa 

Early Childhood Studies 

Porter, Paul 

Educational Leadership and Spec Education 

Prime, Lynn 

Library Administration 

Renaudin, Christine 

Modern Languages Literature 

Sims, Erma 

Literacy Studies and Elementary Education, Curriculum Studies Secondary Education 

Volkart, Judith 

Criminology and Criminal Justice, Political Science 

Wilson, Ruth 

Music, Music Studio 

Special Reports -
From SDS: Cost Materials Report – (L. Murdock-Perriera)
- Completed by Senate Diversity Subcommittee as a follow up report from 2020 regarding a
Senate Resolution in 2016 to reduce classroom material costs for students.
- Found a correlation between time spent in dept. meetings on this issue to increases in low cost
materials used in the classroom in that dept.; group effort in dept. versus a single person.
-Provided recommendations:1) ask faculty to talk to other faculty in their dept, 2) dept. form OER
materials committee specific to their discipline and 3) sharing this information in on-boarding of
new lectures and tenure-track faculty.
Enrollment Report – (E. Lopez)
- SSU #1 Transfer and #4 FTFY 4-year graduation rates in the CSU.
- Problem we are not getting new students equal to the 2300-2500 graduates each year.
- Fall 22 New Students FTFY 977 vs. goal or 1004 / Transfer 758 vs. 848 / PostBac 290 vs. 315.
- Plan: 1) Want 20K applications vs. current 16K (recruit scholarship/recruitment/marketing
especially admissions page/enlist faculty and alumni help/get potential students to visit days/new
enrollment software with automated communications for student groups and information on all
entities that have contacted that student), 2) Admit 80% by end of January with Financial Aid
letter in February (admitted 10.2K in 2022 vs. 5.5K by end of Jan. 2021) and 3) Increase yield
FTFY 20% vs. current 10% and Transfer 40% vs. current 24% (campus tours/preview days/high
touch communication/digital marketing/outreach by academic depts./financial aid/ etc like
- Yield rate from Southern CA have not rebounded.
1. Revision to Human Subjects Policy - First Reading – (H. Smith)
- New 2019 Federal Requirements necessitated policy revisions, as well as, board members
attempts to make the document clearer.
- No questions were asked.
2. Resolution CFA Petition on executive accountability and transparency - First Reading - E.
- Resolved that Interim President Lee at CSU Board Meeting advocate for the needs of faculty,
staff and students: with Petition indicating he talk about exorbitant CSU President salary
increases, transparency in selection of presidents, salary increases for faculty-staff, Title IX
reform, increased staffing of mental health counselors and CSU Board to push legislature-
Governor for adequate funding. Rational is the large pay raises for administrators versus smaller
raises for faculty and staff.
- Amendment to wording in the Resolve to support the CFA document but in the Academic
Senate version to eliminate the Petition section: the reason is not telling a new president what he
has to say to the CSU Board at their first meeting (Approved).
- Amendment to go back to including the Petition (Approved)
- Vote to include Rational (Approved)
- Amendment to change wording in Resolve: The SSU AS recognizes (vs. supports) the CFA

petition below …… (Approved)
- Amendment in Resolve: urges President vs. calls for President…. (Approved)
- Approval of Resolution as amended (Approved)
Standing Reports
1. Interim President of the University – (M. Lee)
- Expressed importance of Academic Senate at a University. Impressed with the pride people
have about this campus.
- Communication (and listening) are a 2-way street: better communication from administration
and he needs to hear thoughts-suggestions at After all you are in the
classroom with students.
- Importance of faculty communicating with potential new students.
2. Provost/Vice-President, Academic Affairs – (K. Moranski)
- Grants: NSF Comp Science $345K / $1+M Special Education.
- Market capacity-demand for on-line programs report coming in Sept.
- New AVP position for Faculty Affairs and Faculty Success created this summer.
- SEIE Dean Search moving ahead (need entrepreneur to make money).
- WASC Working Group being reconstituted as permanent group(WASC coming 2024-25).

Good of the Order
Recognition of retirement and thank you for all of her service to Laurel Holmstrom-Keyes.