SSU Academic Senate Meeting of 4 November 2021

1. From FSAC: Department Chair Policy - First Reading - R. Whitkus
- Presented rational, proposed policy (guiding principles, definition, term of office, duties &
responsibilities, recommendation & appointment and removal) and questions – answers.
- Questions regarding requiring in policy a 2-term limit, formal review before reappointment, required initial training component and removal of chair be a simple majority of faculty versus 75%.
2. From EPC and GSS: Stacked Course Policy - First Reading - E. Asencio & Derek Girman
- Policy to allow 300-400 level courses to be cross-listed as graduate level course to meet CSU guideline that 50% of coursework be graduate level for masters degree students / also helps courses that need undergrad and grad student enrollment to meet minimum enrollment numbers.
- Questions will cross listing courses lead to less pure graduate level courses / even though separate assignments for grad students will the lecture – discussion be appropriate for grad students / workload of having 2 syllabi.
3. From EPC and GSS: Course Validation Policy for Graduate Studies Courses - First Reading- E. Asencio & Derek Girman
- Currently have a form. Proposed policy versus on a form that describes process and increasing visibility by putting in university catalog. Added limit of 1/3 of coursework can be revalidated.
- Question about is it 1/3 of courses or unit / can it be 50%.
4. From SAC: Revision to the Cheating and Plagiarism Policy - First Reading - K. Thompson 
- Revised policy updates web-links, EO number and forms / rewords to make gender neutral.
- Questions on assumption that a previous proceeding against a student means that the student
understands and is no longer naïve but understands cheating and plagiarism / clean up switch between singular and plural language in policy.

1. President of the University - (J. Sakaki by K. Moranski)
- Fulbright Hispanic Institute designation and 20-21 Campaign for Latinx Transfer Graduation Rate Award / Searches for VP of Student Affairs and VP of Finances continuing.
2. Provost/Vice-President, Academic Affairs - (K. Moranski)
- GI 2025 Final Report available / Matthew Puolucci Callahan appointed as AVP of Faculty Success / Director of Center of Community Engagement is on Leave.
3. Vice Chair of the Senate - (B. Burton)
- Bookstore will price match with Amazon, profits go back to university / in continued talks with ERFSA.
4. Interim Vice President/Admin & Finance - (S. Nosek)
- Forums to discuss budget deficits / Marina Crossing report before end of year regarding meeting goals (only 27% used by SSU employees and rent just breaks even with costs).
5. Vice-President of Associated Students – (K. Shipton)
- IRA Board voted no on funding to programs that do not meet the IRA guidelines / course materials must be accessible.
6. Staff Representative – (K. Sims & S. Pettit)
- Open Letter to SSU Continuity Planning Group regarding Staff Repopulation Spring 2022 (versus ability to work remotely).
7. CFA Chapter President – (E. J. Sims)
- Delivered Petition to ask Dr. Sakaki to urge Chancellor Castro to settle a fair contract for faculty with 300 signatures.
8. Lecturers Report (W. St John & C. Torres)
- 58% of Faculty are temporary / want to integrate into campus in faculty governance and professional development / job security with permanent teaching track based on pedagogy versus research

Submitted by Steven Winter, Proxy for Rick Luttmann