Academic Senate Reports

Academic Senate Reports

Rick Luttmann is our representative to the Academic Senate. Below are notes from AS meetings.

SETEs are supposed to be in students’ hands two weeks before the end of the term, but this year due to early end of semester and late Thanksgiving, there must be an adjustment of the schedule. They will go out the end of the week before Thanksgiving, Friday, 20 November.

President Sakaki...

Much of the business at this Senate meeting was rather routine, so I will merely summarize the most important and interesting items. Then I will move on to two major items that were considered at this meeting, both of which were regarded as so urgent that First Readings were waived.


Chair’s Report

Faculty Chair Jeff Reeder opened the meeting by describing the extraordinary budget difficulties that SSU and all campuses of the CSU face this year. On the one hand, expenses are significantly greater than usual due to unprecedented demands created by the coronavirus...

Summary of Academic Senate meeting (via Zoom) 27 August 2020 From Victor Garlin

I attended via Zoom the Sonoma State Academic Senate on August 27 as the ERSFA representative. The meeting was convened by the new Senate Chair, Jeffrey Reeder, Professor of Modern Languages.

President Sakaki...
