
SSU Emeritus and Retired Faculty and Staff Association


Adopted by the Executive Board on 20 January 2017


  1. All retirees of Sonoma State University are eligible for membership in the SSU Emeritus and Retired Faculty and Staff Association (SSU-ERFA).
  2. The Association is affiliated with, and all retirees are eligible for membership in, the state-wide association known as CSU-Emeritus and Retired Faculty Association (CSU-ERFA).
  3. Membership in SSU-ERFA is established by the payment of dues to CSU-ERFA.

Purposes: The purposes of this organization shall be:

  1. to assist retired faculty and staff maintain a continuing and fruitful association with the University,
  2. to assist in informing members and prospective retirees of retirement and medical benefits through affiliation with CSU-ERFA, and
  3. to provide social and educational programs for retired faculty and staff.


  1. The Executive Board will be composed of a President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Academic Senator, and a minimum of two at-large volunteer members of SSU-ERFA, who will be solicited each academic year. Meetings of the Executive Board will be held from time to time as needed, and are open to all ERFA members. The responsibilities of the Executive Board are:
    1. to solicit volunteers for President, Secretary, Treasurer, Academic Senator, and at large Executive Board members,
    2. to assist in planning programs, providing advice and consultation,
    3. to act in place of an officer when necessary,
    4. to convene a general membership meeting at least once each academic year to confirm officers and to determine goals for the Association, and
    5. to plan a program which invites new retirees to become a part of the Association.
  2. All positions are filled by volunteer members of SSU-ERFA by appointment by the Executive Board. All Executive Board openings will be advertised as they occur. Any office may be held by co-officers. One person may hold more than one office.
  3. A President will be solicited each academic year, to be appointed by the Executive Board. Responsibilities of the President include:
    1. to be the contact person for the Association,
    2. to preside at meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee and exercise general supervision over the affairs of the Association,
    3. to initiate and respond to Association correspondence,
    4. to work with a Campus Representative designated by the University President to strengthen retiree ties between SSU-ERFA and the University,
    5. to arrange for programs sponsored by the Association,
    6. to attend, or to delegate an alternate to attend, the council meetings of CSU-ERFA, and to keep the local/campus membership advised of the issues under discussion. (Travel and per diem expenses are paid by CSU-ERFA.)
  4. A Secretary will be solicited each academic year, to be appointed by the Executive Board. Responsibilities of the Secretary include:
    1. to assist the President and act for the President as needed,
    2. to take minutes of each Executive Board meeting and prepare them for approval at the next Executive Board meeting,
    3. to keep a historical record of these minutes.
  5. A Treasurer will be solicited each academic year, to be appointed by the Executive Board. Responsibilities of the Treasurer include:
    1. to assist the President and act for the President as needed,
    2. to receive membership rebate from CSU-ERFA,
    3. to collect luncheon payments,
    4. to maintain the bank account, pay bills, and keep books.
  6. An Academic Senator will be solicited each academic year from among the emeritus faculty members of SSU-ERFA, to be appointed by the Executive Board. The Academic Senator shall represent the Association on the SSU Academic Senate. The Academic Senator will report at Executive Board meetings on those matters considered at the Senate which are relevant to ERFA, and will consult as needed about positions ERFA wishes to take with respect to issues before the Senate.

Effectiveness and Amendments: These By-laws shall be deemed effective when accepted by the membership by consensus. Amendments to the By-laws shall be proposed by a majority of the Executive Board and become effective when accepted by the membership by consensus.