Luiza Amodeo

Professor Emeritus, Education

It is with regret that we pass along news of the death of Luiza Amodeo, who served Sonoma State as Dean of Education from 1987 to 1992. She was a member of SSU-ERFSA since she left the campus.

Dr Amodeo earned her BS from Sacramento State in 1959, her MA from Western New Mexico University in 1971, and her PhD from UCLA in 1977.

After leaving SSU, she returned to her home state of New Mexico, and was involved in a number of different activities. From 2005 to 2010 she was Assessment Coach Contractor in Albuquerque, NM, serving as a consultant to the Children, Youth, and Families Department and the Public Education Department of the New Mexico State government. She conducted all staff development workshops for the teachers and staff members of the New Mexico Pre-K program.

From 2010 until her recent death, she was owner and president of Paloma Properties in Deming, NM, a real-estate consulting service for the American Southwest.