SSU Academic Senate Meeting of 9 November 2023

ERFSA Senator Steven V. Winter

Report of the Chair of the Faculty – (L. Krier)                                                         

Voting procedures for hybrid meeting format explained

No other report / questions

Business Items:

1. S&F: Academic Senate By-Laws Revisions – Gina Baleria

- Need to vote on approving them or if there are any suggested changes it would have to be sent back to S&F

-  There are 3 types of changes

General Edits - gender-neutral language /“Academic Senate” shortened to “Senate” / punctuation for consistency /proper application of the term “at-large” /updated references to SSP and other relevant committee and Senate members / when referring to sharing procedures or other content with Senate Analyst, Meredith Spires suggested updated language throughout to align with current practices / where Headings or Subheadings were missing, added to ensure consistency and clarity / references to specific entities (ie: specific list of unions in III.7.1) were removed / “Action Items” updated to “Business Items” / language-text updated to ensure consistency across sections / language removed or updated when referring to practices now considered out of date (ex: references to printing, copies, etc.).

Edits to Article III Current Practices - updated duties of Senate officers to align with current practices / updated language related to Immediate Past Chair to align with Faculty Constitution / streamlined nomination and election section and referred to newly added section on elections (Article V, Section 2) (see below) / Re: representative senators, added language referring to Student Services Professionals, to bring in line with current configuration of Senate.

Edits to Article V Clarify Election Processes - Added new Section 2 to clarify elections procedures and processes, with the goal of providing guidance, ensuring timely elections and appointments to committees, and increasing responsiveness and representation / ExCom duties updated to reflect current practices / APARC - charge and membership formatting updated to match formatting of other standing committees / attendance and proxies - broken out into subsections / role of secretary updated to reflect current practices.

-  All 3 Types of Changes were Approved; according to the existing ByLaws (and this is not proposed for change), no Second Reading is required.

2. EPC& APARC: Online Course Modality Policy; 2nd Reading (cont.) – E. Asencio & P. Amri

-  All materials are accessible / departments need to make sure before proposing courses.

-  Face-to-Face Program must offer the ability to navigate the majority of program requirements fully face-to-face by default. Specifically, students must be able to complete the entire program face-to-face with no more than one course online without any delay to degree completion. Additional sections of the same course can be offered online or hybrid in accordance with the department course modality guidelines.

Online Program must allow students to take all courses online.  Can have additional sections face-to-face if the department wishes.

Hybrid Program assumes courses are face-to-face but may be online as approved by EPC.

Face-to-Face: Course Meetings are in person, either on campus or off campus 95% of the time. If meeting on campus, the room will be designated on the course schedule. The term “face-to-face” is used interchangeably with “in-person.”

Hybrid Course Meetings are a mixture of both on/off campus: in person and online instruction

requires online instruction be greater than 5% of total instruction time. Online instruction can be

either synchronous or asynchronous. The dates of face-to-face or synchronous online meetings

will be specified on the course schedule. If meeting on campus, the meeting room will be

designated in the course schedule.

- Sunset Review every two years written into policy.

- Motion to rescind previous motion 2 courses versus 95% change in the first reading.  Two courses is very different in a department with 16 units of core courses versus 40 units for example.  Passed

-  Concern: What if required courses in other departments are only offered on-line does it force a department into a Hybrid Program.

- Motion to eliminate references to percentages in a course.  Failed

- Motion to refer document back to EPC  Passed

3.  EPC: New program: PreK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Instruction Credential; 2nd Reading – E. Asencio, C. Bacigalupa and L. Murdock-Perriera

-  No additional information was requested for the second reading / no presentation.

-  1 typo corrected


4. Resolution Opposing the Partnering of Departments; 1st Reading – Senator, M. Perri

- 15 Department Chairs have signed along with CFA President.

- Reduction from 40 to 16 chairs is not enough savings to justify mergers / work-load for departments without own chairs will increase / departments will be marginalized.

-  Questions:  what about keeping chairs for individual departments but still do clusters?  What about a reduction of release time for department chairs with small number of students?  Ans: Statewide CFA has suggested never giving up release units.  How many chairs did not sign the document?  Ans: Appx. 24.

-  Some departments expressed keeping reassigned time as individual department chairs but were not opposed to clusters. See advantages of clusters for increasing enrollment. / Some say it is just to late to stop clusters – schools / possible retaliation if sign document. / Have not seen real information on cost savings in allocating release time with reduced amount of chairs.

Standing Reports:

 1. President of the University – (M. Lee)                                                                        

-  Middle East Conflict / Hateful Speech on Campus - The university has reached out to Jewish and Palestinian groups to show support.

-  Budget Plans are continuing.

-  No questions

2. Provost/Vice-President, Academic Affairs – (K. Moranski)                                                  

-  International Initiatives MOU with one university in Taiwan and one in Japan. Two Fulbright Scholarships available in Taiwan.  Teaching opportunities for SSU instructors at each institution.   Looking at programs in Europe, Southeast Asia and India. 

-  Questions:  SSU instructor would not need to speak that language? Ans: No, courses are taught in English. / Shame we do not teach those languages at SSU.  Ans: Look at expanding our foreign language offerings. / Plans to expand Office of Global Engagement?  Ans: No immediate plans but can look at ways to provide more support.

Good of the Order

Campus Winter Celebration December 1st